Dova Heights

Mini ROV Inspections

Dovaheights Energy Limited is the authorized agent for VideoRay in Nigeria. VideoRay is the largest volume producer of underwater ROVs in the world. Established in 1999, and with over 3000 units sold, VideoRay has worked with technology and mission partners throughout the world to develop the small ROV tool for a wide range of applications.

Using the latest Internationally recognized ROV classes including: Eye-Ball ROV systems and Free swimming Electric Compact WROVs affords our clients the maximum in flexibility and versatility. Through strategic allocation of our subsea resources, we provide cost-effective and timely response to our clients’ offshore operations.


We provide tailor made packages to fully accommodate each of our clients’ bespoke needs, which can include:
  • Underwater Inspection in-lieu of Dry-docking (WILD)
  • Sea Chest Inspections
  • Platform inspections Hull and Mooring survey
  • Mechanical chain measurement
  • Riser survey
  • Full internal ballast tank inspection using CP Probe
  • Emergency response
  • Pipeline survey & inspection
  • Dive support
  • Drill support
  • Seabed Survey
  • Subsea valve operations
  • Mattress laying
  • Hull and Sea-chest Cleaning

At Dovaheights Energy, we understand the value of risk-based inspections and the importance on offshore facilities. However, accomplishing these inspections can be a challenge, particularly when the areas to be inspected are located in a harsh offshore environment, several meters underwater and covered in marine growth.

Dovaheights recognizes the critical importance of inspection, maintenance and ongoing integrity management of assets, and the need for continuous observation in order to maintain that structural integrity.

Our ROV Inspection and intervention services ensure accurate, detailed, timely, and inclusive information on each of your assets.

By providing comprehensive, concise and documented Inspection findings, our ROV services allow clients to make informed decisions on asset integrity management.

The Dovaheights ROV inspection Team, with its engineering background, has greatly broadened underwater inspection options by taking existing, proven ROV technology, integrating high specification and custom tooling, and developing progressive and novel methods and procedures to achieve underwater structural inspections that were hitherto not possible.

With a job history on several vessels of different structures, ranging from FPSOs to Fixed platforms, Dovaheights has successfully inspected it all.

We know what we are looking at, we know what we are looking for!

Dovaheights provides Underwater Inspections in Lieu of Dry-Docking (UWILD) and the underwater portions of In-Service Inspection Plans (ISIP). UWILD & ISIP ROV Inspections efficiently clean, observe and record the structural and operational integrity of a vessel throughout its operational life.

Since 2014, Dovaheights has pioneered the use of Mini-ROVs to complete Class Approved UWILDs and ISIPs on FPSO’s, FSOs, Jack-Ups, Fixed Platforms.

UWILDs are carried out while the vessels remains in full operation and production activities are not compromised.

Six years and several cost-effective Offshore Campaigns later, Dovaheights is the industry leader in Nigeria for ROV UWILDs having saved $Millions for offshore production and drilling clients.

Cleaning services allow inspections to be performed in a timely and efficient manner, to Class Surveyor satisfaction. Examples of cleaning capabilities include: Sea-Chest Grating Cleaning Propeller/Thruster Cleaning (non-polish) Bilge Keel Cleaning Riser Cleaning/Inspection Weld Cleaning/Structural Critical Point (SCP) Cleaning
Dovaheights has integrated tools and technology to safely and efficiently clean underwater portions of offshore and maritime assets. Cleaning systems are based on cavitational cleaning, which removes debris and marine growth, without damage to coatings. Cleaning services allow inspections to be performed in a timely and efficient manner, to Class Surveyor satisfaction.
Close Visual Inspection (CVI) and General Visual Inspection (GVI) of Ballast and other Tanks including collection of Class Society approved Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging can be carried out with higher reliability, improved personnel safety, lower asset risk, fewer POB, lower cost and with minimal operational impact. Tank Inspection without Tank Entry!
We carry out ultrasonic thickness gauging for periodic inspections of hull structural steel.

All inspection and gauging campaigns are documented by means of 100% auditable video footage, time-stamped still photographs and a written report in the applicable Class Society required format. Dovaheights collects detailed hull thickness gauging information for diverse purposes, including:

  • Intermediate and Special Survey Requirements
  • Steel Renewal Estimates
  • Dry-Dock Preparation
  • Life Extension Studies
  • Forensic Analysis
  • Sale/Purchase Evaluations
  • Damage Inspections
Dovaheights is able to measure Cathodic Protection readings directly from the ROV, with real time data feedback to the control station. The ROV is able to utilize both a proximity and a direct contact probe, as required by each Client and installation.

Suitable for Hull Structural CP Systems, Riser CP Systems, Pipeline CP Systems and more.
Sea-Connection blanking, normally performed by divers and requiring significant off-hire time, is typically a costly, hazardous and time-consuming exercise.

Dovaheights is able to deploy dual-barrier, mini-ROV deployed plugs and deployment procedures for all valve sizes (2” to 24”), that remove the need for divers, improve safety, significantly reduce cost and reduce and/or completely eliminate off-hire time.

Plug deployment allows safe removal, repair or replacement of sea-connection valves without the need for expensive dry-docking.
Compared to the total cost of a manned entry inspection, VideoRay ROVs are far and away more cost-effective. The quick deployment and user-friendly nature of the ROV allows for a full inspection within hours, significantly reducing the time needed for inspections.

VideoRays have the industry-leading thrust–to-vehicle weight ratio and thus can handle more current than most work class ROVs in the shallow areas in which they are deployed.

VideoRay ROV

For more detailed inquiry on sales of the Pro 4 ROV or miniROV services, please write to us on